f6d3264842 All Posts must be directly related to Fallout. Use and abuse spoiler tags. Do not post spoilers in titles. No low effort/meme content as posts.. Depends on the build: The best guns are: Riot Shotgun: It's versatile (Specially if GRA ... Protonic Inversal Axe: The most powerful melee weapon against robots. ... How do I get the Oh, Baby weapon in Fallout: New Vegas?. Favorite Fallout New Vegas Weapons interactive top ten list at TheTopTens®. Vote, add to, or ... Hit's hard, and easy to get, for me best melee weapon.+1.. 30 Jan 2017 ... I thought it was the chainsaw but the damn thing breaks down after every fight and its very expensive to maintain it and keep it from breaking. is .... 17 Jul 2014 ... Hello good people of the Fallout: New Vegas forums. ... Also, I am starting a melee build and require your humble opinion on how to play as .... I started my yhird play through today and decided to make it a melee build. Whats the best weapon for a melee character?. The best non-DLC melee weapon is the Machete Gladius. You can find a few Legion guys that have one at Cottonwood Cove. The DPS is not as high as Chance's Knife, but the DAM is higher. With DLC, the best is the Gehenna (with the Pyromaniac Perk).. 28 Jan 2018 ... In Fallout: New Vegas, it's also determines your combat .... The Shishkebab is generally considered the best melee weapon available as it has .... Subject: Re: Best Melee Weapons in Fallout New Vegas Best Melee ... actually has the Bayonet from the M1897 mod as the melee weapon.. 26 Oct 2013 ... This mod adds five custom mesh/texture melee weapons to the game. Share ... They can all be found in New Vegas Steel on the top floor.. 19 Nov 2010 ... Fallout: New Vegas Unarmed/Melee Character Guide ... Melee weapons, on the other hand, are not as good with criticals. ... than on an equivelant fist weapon, and quite a few melee weapons can't even crit to begin with! ("Oh .... The one true g-d did it with New Vegas. Click to expand... Ah yes, New Vegas. .... feeling Unarmed/Melee are more powerful than other weapon types. ... weapons that outshine the top tier Unarmed/Melee weapons and don't .... If you've looked at the perks available in New Vegas (and Fallout 3 as well, for that matter) you can ... Melee weapons, on the other hand, are not as good with criticals. ... Damage is how much damage your weapon does in one of its hits.. Melee and unarmed weapons deal VATS damage that puts almost everything else to ... tl:dr Sneak, silent running, corners, have a very long ranged weapon. ... The best information I found was in the Fallout: New Vegas (PC): .... Fallout: New Vegas - Melee Brute Build ... Not good. Doesn't work even with best armor, weapons and all perks. ... I've only heard good things about her. ... I never found the weapon myself anywhere so I used console commands to acquire it.. 8 May 2015 - 5 min - Uploaded by ESO - Fallout & Elder Scrolls GuidesHow to get the Best Close Combat Weapon in Fallout New Vegas; A Unique Super Sledge .... The Shishkebab is generally considered the best melee weapon available, as it is swung as fast as knives and lead pipes, and it deals only just slightly less damage than a super sledge per hit. Along with both these fast and powerful traits, its damage can further be increased with the Pyromaniac perk.. My character in my current playthrough actually has the Bayonet from the M1897 mod as the melee weapon Re: Best Melee Weapons in Fallout New Vegas.. How to get the Ripper is a Chainsaw knife with a very high damage per second. It's easy to get early, this makes is a great beginner close combat weapon. Gus.. on this melee character, i have collected many melee weapons but here lets see what the best one is. ... I have found in latter game that (without dlc) that for a two handed melee weapons build that, the "oh baby!" ... super sledge, and even Gehenna due to its bonus fire damage, even ...
Fallout New Vegas Best Melee Weapon