About This Content Rolemaster Classic: Fantasy WeaponsA Rolemaster Classic library module for Fantasy GroundsSixteen weapon attack tables for Rolemaster Classic and RMSS/FRP: Baw Chakram Chegain Cabis Dag Ge Ikasha Irgaak Kalta Kynac Long Knife Long Kynac Saren Shangkana Typh YarkbalkaMake sure to check out the instructions for how to assign these in the Fantasy Grounds docs folder. You can get there by clicking on Start->Programs->Fantasy Grounds->Application Data folder and then navigating up to the "docs" folder. Also, be sure to check out the videos and the forums available on the Fantasy Grounds website.Conversion by: DakadinRequires: A Fantasy Grounds Full or Ultimate License or an active subscription and the Rolemaster Classic ruleset (version 1.51 or higher). 7aa9394dea Title: Fantasy Grounds - Rolemaster Classic: Fantasy WeaponsGenre: Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:SmiteWorks USA, LLCRelease Date: 26 Jul, 2016 Fantasy Grounds - Rolemaster Classic: Fantasy Weapons Download Blackbox
Fantasy Grounds - Rolemaster Classic: Fantasy Weapons Download Blackbox