About This Game Freedom to personally fly all ships:X4 will allow you to fly all ships personally. From small scouts over a wide range of ship classes up to the biggest carrier, everything can be piloted from the cockpit or an external view.A big focus in the development of X4 has been to achieve a seamless and immersive experience when moving between ships. You can leave a ship, climb down a ladder, walk over the dock of a large space station into another ship you may have parked there and replace the pilot that was working for you just by clicking on his chair.Modular stations and ship upgrades:Building space stations and factories has always been a foundation of the X games. After gaining enough money through fighting or trading, most players want to establish their own economy and start influencing the universe on a larger scale. In X4, it is now possible to be completely free and creative. Stations can be constructed from a variety of modules, be it production modules, living sections, docks or many other types of parts. The powerful new map system allows you to drag and connect modules using a connection system to design your own unique creations.Ships also offer a variety of upgrades. Engines, weapons and other equipment can be added in a graphical editor and actually seen on the ship.Most dynamic X universe ever:X4 will be the first X game to allow our races and factions to freely build and expand their empires; the same flexibility the player enjoys in creatively designing space stations from modular building blocks is also available to them. Races expand their empire based on supply and demand, which leads to an extremely dynamic universe where every action the player makes can influence the course of the entire universe.Managing your empire with a powerful map:Once you have more ships and many NPCs working for you as pilots, crew or station managers, the map will be your preferred method of managing it all. Ships can be ordered with simple clicks and through drag-and-drop operations to set their future path and commands.Graphically plan your trade routes, coordinate attacks with your entire fleet, manage the hierarchy or send ships on remote exploration missions.Most detailed X economy ever:One of the key selling points of X games has always been the realistic, simulated economy. Wares produced by hundreds of stations and transported by thousands of ships are actually traded by NPCs and prices develop based on this simulated economy. This is the foundation of our living and breathing universe. Now with X4, we have taken another, massive step. For the first time in any X game, all parts of the NPC economy are manufactured from resources. Ships, weapons, upgrades, ammo and even stations. You name it. Everything comes out of the simulated economy.Research and Teleportation:The seamless change from ship to ship and from NPCs controlling your empire for you continues on a higher level. Once you own a larger fleet, you will be very interested in researching a technology from your HQ: Teleportation. Once you've unlocked teleportation, you can jump from ship to ship a lot quicker and experience all the critical situations your NPCs encounter first hand.Every order you have given to a ship before turns into a mission objective when you pilot the ship yourself. The moment you leave again, your pilot takes the helm and continues with their previous orders.Get into the game:In X4, you can start your journey from a number of different gamestarts and as a number of different characters, each with their own role, set of relationships and different ships and technologies to start with. No matter how you start, you are always free to develop in any other direction. Focus on exploration, make money with illegal trading and theft, command large battle fleets or become the greatest entrepreneur ever. It's all up to you to decide. 7aa9394dea Title: X4: FoundationsGenre: Action, SimulationDeveloper:EgosoftPublisher:EgosoftFranchise:X FranchiseRelease Date: 30 Nov, 2018 X4: Foundations Activation Code Keygen The real shame isn't that the background simulation is completely broken, the real shame is that it takes at least 50 hours of playtime until it becomes apparent that it's completely broken.. I very much like X Games and X4 is no exception. It's difficult to compare it to X3 because X3 went through three versions and many many hours of improvement over the initial release. X3TC was excellent, but X3R, the initial version, from memory was similarly 'empty'. Some are arguing it had more at release but I don't think it's majorly different.It does have bugs, but on the other hand, it's not realistic to expect a game of this complexity to be perfect. It would bankrupt a company trying to create it. Does that mean you should buy it? I dunno. For some it will be a poor deal. But for me, there's enough there that I love it. I seem to be playing it more than X3 and I didn't once play reunion. I recommend.. Honestly, I'm writing this with an overwhelming feeling of exasperation. I might come back to this review a year later and feel bad for writing this. I might not. It depends on which direction Egosoft goes. Currently, that direction is steam ahead into a brick wall. And right now my wallet keeps smacking me in the face for my haphazard investment.Don't fool yourself with the number of hours I have. Most of those hours was having the game open while I'm on google on the 2nd screen, looking up why that bug\/that behaviour is happening. "But what are the bugs" you may ask. Well, I can point you to the change logs and there you can see the insane number of fixes that happen once in a while. Some are new bugs, some are VERY old bugs, some are regression bugs. Then there are things which are bugs but are classified as features. Such as "Your sector is so zoomed out that all the stations are on top of each other, and your finger grows a six-pack from all the scrolling you do to see them separately? Feature.""You can't set up buy orders for stations unless the station needs it for production? We're smarter than you. Feature!""The traders have to fly to the center of your station plot before docking so freighters take ages to dock? Feature!""You want a ship to perform a certain task on repeat? You can't. Feature.""Your mission requires you to scan a Xenon warship carrying spaceweed? That's a feature ma man""That freighter took the trip around the universe instead of going through that ONE gate? You guessed it: Feature"If you enjoy the feeling of disarming a thermonuclear war head with a timer which has 50 wires all red, then this game is for you. If not, then wait a bit. Don't be like me; do your research. Graphics are pretty, most of the other stuff is f***ed. They say space is big and empty; that is true, and this game really drives that point home.. Has potential but needs updates.. There are serious issues with this game as well as the developers and business direction. There is a huge bug where you cannot kill enemy bases that are taking over every sectors of the game. Even with the latest version of the beta 2.50 the game feels very early access and many of the features you'd expect from an X series are not there.Per the Developer"We are aware of this issue and do plan to work on it, but as previously explained it is not as simple to fix as it might seem. There are existing threads on the subject, most of which are both more descriptive and more constructive, so no need for a new one.". Such a disappointment... I bought a new PC for this game and I will be playing X3AP with Litcube universe again.... As almost everything since 2007: New does not equal better\/improved.Boring because some people wanted space to be bigger.Disappointing because the (imho) good gameplay was removed in the previous title and hasn't returned yet.Uninteresting because less than half the game got released with no clear indication we get more than 75%.Sure, bug might get fixed, but it's hard to fix bad design.This review is brought to you because Egosoft asked us in a poll about their product.Egosoft is happy I bought their product. I am not.. Much more like old X games and how rebirth should of been.. - Tons of bugs, even after leaving it for half a year- You feel empty and lonely, didn't have that feeling in X3- Less features, capabillities, ships, content etc. than X3TL;DREgosoft \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ed up once more after Rebirth. This is just a worse X3. Stick to playing X3. second time i played i got a cheat mod to grant me money. went on a station building spree and just was annoyed with everything. even after cutting out the money grind there were just way too many annoyances. after 100 hours of "ill just get to endgame and then itll be fun" and then realizing its not fun i uninstalled. "but egosoft fixes their game with patches"yea well... so do other devs that market their games as early access. i mean technically its a full game.... but its like watching star wars prequels and then having a feeling that you should have spent time watching the OT star wars. and that sums up this game "i like this idea, but its done poorly, i wish it was done better"
X4: Foundations Activation Code Keygen